
Using my iPhone and iPad
When I got my 3G iPhone in 2009 I was so excited that I downloaded loads of apps - of course being a spendthrift everything was for free, and the camera took pictures of everything and everywhere and emailed and shared them. I read via Kindle on it and Google maps with the GSP on it has saved me loads of times both on foot and in the car whilst navigating my way round Hong Kong. 
I am always using it to record photographically students work, I have over a 1000 photos of students working or their final products, visits and trips and since downloading Instagram, and linking it to Facebook I have been able to publish my photos instantly. Infact I have just upgraded this last month onto a second hand model iPhone 4. 

Last Christmas I also received an iPad and it is my constant accessory. As a mother, wife, and educator I am constantly using it. 
For example: I decided to decluttered and environmentally recycled my recipe books to the school fair just keeping a few favorites -  because I now use online cookbooks to find new recipes, and even via YouTube you can find out how to make Beef Wellington or Baklava. 

So now I have decided to blog about using the iPad in education, showing you my chosen apps and how I use them, I was inspired by a Ning site I have just joined iPads in Education which has lot of very good advice and straightforward and practical information. 
I must point out that our school is essentially PC Windows based and with the recently introduced 1to1 program with the lowers school they must buy the school appointed PC model, the upper school have a free choice and vote with their feet with the majority choosing Apple MacBook Pros. Some students have iPads and use them in class, many of them do have iPhones - so if I find a great app I do ask them to use it. Like my electronics class all have downloaded Resistor Codes for identifying the value of resistors, easier than trying to find it in their textbooks. All my DT students use their phones to record the design and making of their projects, tools, materials, design ideas, and the homework written on the whiteboard. This you also find shared on Facebook by the more diligent students.

So this blog is mostly about me as an educator using the iPad as a tool to help me in my classes, in my role as Applied Learning Coordinator and at home.  

iApps mentioned today:

iApp info and link Screen shot iApp Logo
Instagram - take & use photos, add filters, comment, share, tweet, and facebook. Free
Facebook mobile - social media great for sharing, and keeping in touch. Free

Resistor Codes - Identify the values of resistors quickly and easily. Free

Just discovered today:

So there you have it for my first episode - more to come. Follow my blog 
and share the experience. Comments welcome.


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