
Showing posts from February, 2010

Timely Timelines

History, Geography, Art, Music, Science, the list is endless for the possibilities of adding, creating and using time-lines in your subject area. This would make a great homework task, even better get you students to make specific time-lines and post the best ones onto your VLE For starters all the examples below have already been created I have just located them and uploaded them here. I have also used exitsting time-lines in our D&T Wikispace. This first example I ran a search for Hong Kong The items on the time lines can be expanded for more details. Once again I ran a search for Hong Kong There are two views possible a simple time-line and a more detailed version, click on the options on the top right of the time line. And finally another time-line for Hong Kong, interestingly you can take this one and add events as it is in the public domain: possibilities of students adding to a time line that you start. Ther


You've created a PowerPoint and you now want to a put it onto the school VLE SMART Moodle) - but how? Even more annoying, you have accumulated over the past few years many PowerPoint presentations that you use regularly, what can you do? Host Only It is far better to host your PowerPoint presentation using one of the following hosts, you will first need to create an account with one or all of the hosts, as each have their own unique features: SlideShare - View more presentations from Jutka Czirok . Slideshare looks great on your page, and you can also create a slide presenter, One player and several Slideshows, - it also has the largest library of presentations created by other people, some of which I have used on the IB wikispace, it is worth checking out. The down side is any interactiviy or more importantly any hyperlinks you use are not active in you presentation. You can add audio tracks if you wish.  AuthorStream - http://www.authorstr

What exactly is a Widgit?

Today when people use the word widget, in a Web 2.0 world, they are referring to piece of self-contained code — a small application actually, that opens up a doorway to a much larger application.  To this end, you can find widgets that provide the latest news,  recent weather updates, search boxes for Google, eBay and other popular search-based Web sites, and many more including clocks, counters, games, feeds etc. Adding to the confusion is the fact that widgets used on the desktop or Web are also called gadgets . In fact, in Windows Vista, Microsoft uses the word gadget, but it is still a widget. Useful place to find Widgets is:   Web widgets work like a mini-application that you use to provide information to visitors. Web widgets are easy to use and require you only to copy and paste a snippet of code to display the widget, which is hosted