
Further Experiments with StarryA and Architecture


AI Art Generators - that are for free (freeish)


Digital Natives and Digital Elders Welcome Back!

Note. Image generated with the prompt "What is an 'ism'? It is described as a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement." by OpenArt Creative, Realistic Vision V5.1 2023. ( ) Well thanks to my colleague, I was encouraged to post some of my thoughts about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how we might use it in an educational setting.  I was looking for a simple effective platform, looked at WordPress (considering I am tech-savvy for my dyslexic brain this is and has never been intuitive! Then I looked at resurrecting my WIX website. This has strangely disappeared into the ether. So instead of starting from scratch to build a blog and as I already have my thoughts in written form in my Google Drive, I am going to resurrect this Blogger site, and drag it into the 2020s - the last posting was in 2012! So,      Hello!       Guten Tag!       Jó napot kívánok! Back in June 201

Beginners guide to iPads

Learning Vision This morning I found a really good link for educators who are iPad beginners. It gives you a both practical and pedagogical reasons for integrating the use of mobile learning tools such as iPhones and iPads.  The web link is: There are two great Scribd presentations  which you need to read through and digest the content, but are very eloquently put together and reflect my own experience with using iPads, iPhone and a whole host of mobile devices within my classrooms.   This image is taken from the first presentation, and is from another great educator Stephen Heppell from his website .  Listened to Stephen as a keynote speaker  and attended his workshops  a couple of years ago at the annual 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong. . Check out his Be Very Afraid events and Cloud Learn . Online software mentioned in this blog: Scribd Online Library of resources uploaded b


Using my iPhone and iPad When I got my 3G iPhone in 2009 I was so excited that I downloaded loads of apps - of course being a spendthrift everything was for free, and the camera took pictures of everything and everywhere and emailed and shared them. I read via Kindle on it and Google maps with the GSP on it has saved me loads of times both on foot and in the car whilst navigating my way round Hong Kong.  I am always using it to record photographically students work, I have over a 1000 photos of students working or their final products, visits and trips and since downloading Instagram, and linking it to Facebook I have been able to publish my photos instantly.  Infact I have just upgraded this last month onto a second hand model iPhone 4.  Last Christmas I also  received  an iPad and it is my constant accessory. As a mother, wife, and educator I am constantly using it.  For example: I decided to decluttered and environmentally recycled my recipe books to the school fair just keep

iNquiry Based Learning

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember,  involve me and I understand" Chinese Proverb  This is fundamental to inquiry based learning - but are the school's curriculum taking this into account, are the education authorities considering this approach to learning when re-shaping our education systems For a really good insight into inquiry based learning check out the following site: Why do I have to be reminded that this is the best way to teach? I am after all a kinestetic visual learner